Error & status codes

It will happen, hopefully very rarely, that we experience downtime, but incase we do, you can always find our status here. Also remember that you can subscribe to updates on our status page, which means you'll get an email if anything is wrong on our end.

Status codes

StatusCode Http status Common mistake
200 Ok Everything is fine
201 Created Everything is fine, and here is an empty body
400 Bad request This oftens occurs when the required fields are not supplied in the API call. E.g not having a contact on a Invoice when trying to book it, or not suppling the newest timestamp
401 Unauthorized Something is wrong with your token, often it has expired
403 Forbidden You do not have access to the requested resource. We also use this statuscode when the requested organization doesn't have a valid Pro subscription. The body will also return errorcode 90 if there is no active Pro subscription.
413 Request Entity Too Large The attached file is too large. Files cannot exceed 6MB.
429 Rate limited You have exceeded the maximum amount of 100 requests a minute pr. organization, wait a minute and continue
480 Brownout The endpoint you are using is deprecated and about to be removed and therefor your request has failed. This statuscode has a random chance of happening in the last days of the lifetime for an endpoint that has been marked for removal. This is used as a last chance notice for integrations that have missed our communication about removal of endpoints.
500 Server error This means that something is wrong on our end. You can stay up to date here.

Error codes

Code Message Description
40 Not found The URI requested is invalid or the resource requested, such as a voucher, does not exists. Also returned when the requested format is not supported by the requested method
41 Unauthorized The user has insufficient permissions to perform the request on the given resource.
42 Validation Error A validation error occurred
43 Limit Exceeded An upper or lower limit was exceeded
44 Invalid format The format of the specified value is incorrect
45 Invalid request The request is invalid
46 Invalid filter format The format of the filters are incorrect
47 An accounting year was not found The organization has not created the requested accounting year
49 Email rejected The email could not be send.
50 Error A server error occured. No more information about this error could be found.
51 EAN problems Could not send e-invoice.
52 No organization owner The organization don't have an owner.
53 No organization email The organization don't have an email.
54 Missing bank info The organization don't have any bank info.
55 No receiver email Invoice receiver don't have an email. Update the contact or supply and email with your request.
56 No EAN number Invoice receiver don't have an EAN number. Update the contact before trying to send an e-invoice.
57 Invalid EAN number Invoice receiver's EAN number is not valid.
58 Timestamp out of date The supplied timestamp is not the latest version of the entity. Get the latest version and try again.
59 Voucher not booked The voucher is not booked. The requested action requires the voucher to be booked.
60 No VAT number Organization don't have a VAT number
61 Invalid bank info The bank info is not valid.
62 E-invoice contact missing att. person The contact of an e-invoice must have an att. person.
63 No results The request gave no results.
64 No recepient email The request uses email, but the contact don't have an email.
65 Item is deleted You cannot make changes to a deleted item.
66 Ledger limit exceeded Your ledger has too many lines. There is a cap of 1000 lines per ledger.
67 File type not allowed File type not supported. Acceptable formats: JPEG, JPG, PNG, GIF, PDF
68 File type not present The file type was not found in the file name. Acceptable formats: JPEG, JPG, PNG, GIF, PDF
69 Must be MIME multi part content Must be MIME multi part content
70 Ledger items optimistic concurrency Multiple ledger item post request was send in a short time interval. Due to that we respect the order of the ledger items, this causes a concurrency issue. Ledger items for same organization should not be posted async.
71 Update concurrency error Update concurrency error
72 Duplicated entity error Duplicated entity error
73 Something went wrong while sending the email. Something went wrong while sending the email. The email might or might not have been sent.
74 Voucher not overdue. Pre-reminder mailout could not be send. The voucher is not overdue. The requested action requires the voucher to be overdue.
75 Date differs for same voucher number The date should be the same for items with the same voucher number.
76 FileGuid differs for same voucher number The FileGuid should be the same for items with the same voucher number.
77 Account does not exist The account does not exist for given account id.
78 Id differs for same voucher number The id should be the same for items with the same voucher number.
79 Invalid VAT number Organization don't have a valid VAT number
80 Can't claim free pro Can't claim free pro if already claimed or if already pro
81 Cannot create accounting year Cannot create accounting year
82 Dates not in single accounting year Cannot find a single accounting year from the dates. This means that the dates may be overlappin two accounting years
83 The specified end date is before the specified start date The specified end date is before the specified start date
84 The specified to and from dates spans too long time, you can at the most request 31 days at a time The specified to and from dates spans too long time, you can at the most request 31 days at a time
85 The tradeoffer cannot be edited when it is not in the draft status Tradeoffers cannot be edited when it has been accepected, rejected, or converted into an invoice
86 Deposit does not exist The deposit does not exist for given deposit account id.
87 Version differs for same voucher number The version should be the same for items with the same voucher number.
88 No booked reminder The voucher does not have a booked reminder. Reminder mailout could not be send.
89 File size exceeded The file size exceeded the maximum allowed size.
90 Forbidden The organization does not have access to this feature.
91 VatSettlementFrequencyHasNotBeenChosen Missing vat settlement frequency.
93 Invoice line quantity may not be zero Invoice line quantity may not be zero.
94 VatPeriodNotFound Could not find a vat period to display.

Could we improve these docs or do you have any questions? Please write us at